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Auntie Nancy

Wonderful! We have a very small garden and grew banana peppers this year and for the first time in my life we canned 6 pints of pickled peppers. Yea, it took us 4 hours for that little task! We sliced them into rings and took out the seeds of a 5 gallon bucket of peppers and we get 6 pints! That's all? I love pickled banana peppers but that is too much work for 6 pints.
Altho I can't wait to try them. Auntie N.


I think CSA's are a wonderful idea. I love that you plan around the veggies and not the other things. You go girl!


I've been thinking about joining a CSA. I'm at the Farmers Market stage right now; I'm buying fresh and freezing quite a bit. My next goal is to learn canning. I'm ready to try jams, but I'll wait for next June when the strawberries are in season.
Will you be posting recipes? :)


We are looking into joining a CSA as well and after your post I am convinced it is the way to go! :) Jenny


I've been thinking of joining a CSA too. Next year I also want to have a great garden like I used to have. I was going to have one this year, but when we found out we were expecting twins this summer, that went out the window.

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