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  • Maya's Mom
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Member since 07/2003

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You'll do much better once you hit Napa. When you're in your element and your element changes, it's weird. It'll be easier once you're out of your element. Try doing things that if your kids saw you doing they'd want to do too, that you wouldn't want them to. Stuff like ating food while sitting on the couch instead of at the table.

Auntie Nancy

This is just practice for when they grow up and leave you and they are bigger so the hole in your heart is bigger also. Trust me, I even missed my girls when they were napping. This is good practice for you - hard but good. Auntie N


Enjoy you're vacation! I'm very jealous of the access to a hot tub....


I remember sending a little girl to her Grandma's for a weekend because she needed to practice being away from me when her little sister was born. It was the longest weekend of my life. I still remember the long long days.
I hope you had fun and just chilled while they were away.

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