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Member since 07/2003

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Good kids and a clean house to you, too, mama. And Happy MotheRs Day!


Very Funny! My house is never "clean" unless I know company is coming. I am definitely my Grandmother Brownlee. She use to leave the windows open during the dust bowl and said that maybe some of what blew in the front would blow out the back. Keeping a clean house is no longer a priority for me either. I think being happy in my life is my priority.

Auntie Nancy

How's the little chicks? We had a mommy duck and her 12 very little ducklings come visit us in the store today. Mom just entered the mall when someone opened the handicap door and walked down the mall with her babies and came into my store to visit. We had a blast trying to catch them and put them into a can and then catch mom and take them all out back to the lake and let them go. We found one more after we got back from the lake and had to take it out back to mom. What a day! Auntie N


Happy Mother's Day, a little late.

This year, I asked my husband to, at some point in the next few months, take both kids someplace for like 8 hours straight. So I can stay home alone. And clean. Clean everything. Fan blades, baseboards, dusty curtains, you name it. He does not get it. At all. Me, I'll be in hog heaven when it finally happens.


I toss my curtains into the dryer and air fluff them to get the dust off.

Sarah @

Happy (very belated) Mother's Day to you! I hope you enjoyed it =)

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