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Member since 07/2003

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oh, my sweet babies. :( i'm so sorry for the nichols' family loss. i love you guys.


I am so sorry. I think that is just awful the the best of the bunch had to kick the bucket. Tallulah looks like such a sweet chick to me. I am so sad for the girls and you too.

Juli Ryan

I remember your posts about how much you liked the name Tallulah in pafo, years ago. At the time, I'd never heard of Maisy or her friend, Tallulah, the chick. So sad.


Sad, but that vibe is pretty much swamped in a tsunami of cuteness, as is so often the case with your girls.

My brother in TN has a rooster he'd like to get rid of if you want it (it may have something to do with the 4:30 a.m. cockadoodledoo...).

Sarah @

Oh, poor sweet girls and poor little Tahllulah.


Oh no! What happened? I'm so sorry, my kids are super attached, so if they did kick the bucket, we'd be dealing with a whole wave of tears and drama.

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