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Member since 07/2003

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You might look for Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe (meatless) and More-With-Less Cookbook by Doris Janzen Longacre (includes meat). I occasionally see the first at garage sales. It has a pizza crust that I always thought was "to die for." I probably tried the sauce too, but I don't remember begin particularly impressed.


I am trying something new called "Debbie Meter Green Bags." I think they are expensive, but they are reusable; The trick is to remember to rinse them out and reuse. They are supposed to help keep things fresh longer. They suggest that something like greens (lettuce,spinach,etc.) might keep for 3 weeks. Anyway, I will let you know how they seem to work out. I always seem to be throwing lettuce away. (I like a mix, also. I generally try to do spinach and either leaf or Romaine.) Maybe if these work, I will be able to do all three.


One more time. . . . When I was into "all natural, high nutrition, vegetaria , etc.," I came across a booklet titled "The Cornell Bread Book." The recipes are for more nutritious homemade breads. I don't know whether it is still available anywhere, but for homemade bread bakers, it is certainly worth a look.


I'm eating at McDonalds tonight.

Auntie N

I'm with Grammy on this one. One good Big Mac deserves another.


jzfaqffryolmgnhewell, hi admin adn people nice forum indeed. how's life? hope it's introduce branch ;)

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