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Member since 07/2003

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Auntie Nancy

I think any 2 people that love each other and want to unite should be allowed to by law. however mu church doesn't believe that even tho they probably have more homosexuals than any other church. I don't want to start a fight with anyone so I won't mention the church but those that know me know which one. I also believe that we don't really have a choice for president. I personally don't like either candidate. I will go and vote and will wait until the last second to choose. I hate electoral colleges and think personal votes should be how we elect our president. That is when the people choice really matters. I hate the mean things everyone is saying on the commercials and don't listen anymore (mute is wonderful). Tell me what you are going to do for the country and how you are going to do it and then I will listen. I don't care what you think the other guy did or didn't do.
Auntie N


I'm with Nancy. Most of my family is voting for McCain, most of my friends are voting for Obama, and I'm stuck in the middle. I think both men are probably good men and both men have some good ideas, but both men have some BAD ideas too and those are the ones I'm uncomfortable with. I'm not sure it really matters who I vote for, my state is a given anyway, so I may go in and flip a coin or even vote for Mickey Mouse.

I'm a religious person, but I also believe that being a good person is more important than following rules "from the Bible" or from the Vatican, and that's why we raise our children to know that who you sleep with is less important than how you behave towards others. Frankly, this country has no right to legislate who can marry whom until they get us the hell out of Iraq, pay off all our debts, feed our homeless and make sure everyone has access to healthcare. And FWIW, my old (Catholic) church has a support group for GLBT parishioners.


Me, whose best friends are Lesbians, who am I to talk one way or the other. I just accept them for the people I loved before I knew.
As for the election, I am one of those undecided people. I can't stand either one of them. I am tired of the negative campaigning. I would love to just turn the TV off and NOT vote but that wouldn't be patriotic. I will just have to do the best I can.


Amen sistah!!!

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