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HowCow! Batman??? Is that from the entire Mormon body or just a few people? I know people who are appalled by the union of same sex people. But the mormons were always the strictest. This is so cool! He needs to come to Arizona and put the matter to rest once and for all.

Auntie Nancy

this isn't the morman church I grew up with! They didn't even have dances.Wow how things can change.


It's definitely just a group of people within the church. The actual church is handing out Yes on 8 yard signs by the truckload and according to the press has accounted for 40% of the funding for the Yes on 8 campaign.

Still, whenever someone takes a look at their beliefs and realizes that they can support a human rights issue despite their church's dogma, that's a good thing. That's how we ended slavery, right?

Auntie Nancy

Ah yes! But slavery truly ends when your kids graduate from high school and move out. (You still have this to look forward to.) First you can't wait until you can send them to school all day and you get peace and quiet to do the chores. Then they get older and and noisy and you start assigning them to chores to keep them fro fighting. Then you realize "Hey! I don't have to do all the work around the house!" and you assign them even more chores to do. Pretty soon you are living in the lap of "I don't really have to do anything!" luxury and they don't even get it. That is when you have slavery - on a mild course. However when the leave home... It's back to the old grind again. It is wonderful while it lasts.


Great last two posts. Unfortunately I don't live in a state that recognizes gay marriages. I'm hoping that changes sometime soon. I do get so frustrated when people seem to talk about who they are going to vote for when it has nothing to do with the issues. I wish they would just stand up and state what they feel the issues are for them and how their vote will be in line with that.


Hallo! I like your post!

Do you know about the Feminist Mormon Housewives blog? I'm totally their fan! They have really good discussions.

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