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So, are you planting a garden? I think you should but I don't know where you will plant it.

Auntie Nancy

Plant it in containers! some tomatoes do very well in containers and you can take them in if the weather starts to get too cold. and if you have a very sunny window or grow lights you can have garden and tomatoes almost year around. You can even hang them upside down in a bag and grow them hanging. If herbs can grow so can tomatoes. and really store bought tomatoes just dont cut it. if you want i can send you directions. Your uncle Bill and I just love plants and planting. It is my favorite thing to do. I wish I had a greenhouse. I loved working at the one in MN. Love, Auntie N


There's no worry about space for a garden here. We've got some room.


Those upside down tomato growing contraptions actually have excellent reviews on amazon.

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