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Member since 07/2003

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Peace is beginning to reign in La La land? My oh, my. With Molly, didn't she use the "me" pronoun? But, then there was only one of them at the time. "We" must be the natural extention of the pronoun when you have more than one so close together. It is definitly cute. Remember how we imitated Antiquette? I am totally surprised she didn't talk like that until high school. Sometimes parents use cutisms when they need to be using plain language. I had the dickens of a time teaching you to say "M"'s. But you finally did when you were 3.

Auntie Nancy

I know what a blessing it is to have children that correct you all the time (I HATE IT!). You have a long way to go if they are correcting you now. You can just tell them "Mommy isn't perfect" and burst their bubble. Auntie N

The Other Stephanie

I'm going to miss our cute-isms, too. They're fading fast.

Four is the new thirteen. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger and all that.

Oh, and I'm so jealous of your naptime success, I'm practically weeping.

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