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Member since 07/2003

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with kickin' energy efficiency. and doors that latch the way they're supposed to so your kid doesn't fal down the stairs. and friendly neighbors. and seasons, man, i miss the friggin seasons.


You have a light in your dryer? When did this happen? I didn't know dryers came with a light.


I guess that was a little off topic, huh? I wish you could move and have all those things too. Is that better?


I didn't know dryers had lights in them either, until this dryer. Now I don't know what I ever did without a lighted dryer. I probably wouldn't mind if my dryer weren't tucked way back in the darkest corner of the house--the light was actually useful. Now I can't just reach in and dig around for clean underwear, I actually have to take everything out and put it in the basket :)

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