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Member since 07/2003

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I'm obsessed with striped tights for Gracie.. and like you wish I could have a pair.. or twelve.


I could swear I've seen grownup funky tights for not cheap but not expensive. I'll keep an eye out and let you know.


Hi. Through lots of weird linkage, I came upon the birth story of your second child. Let me just say holy yikes, batman. I am 11 weeks with my second. I had the same kind of labor with my first as you did. I am not signing up for your second!!!


I give in. This weekend I will go to the Disney Store and purchase a Mulan costume size 4 and put it in the mail! I can't have my granddaughter without the costume of her dreams. I just can't! I remember making your costumes. You used to love them. I don't have time to sew right now but I can certainly buy it. I know it will be expensive too.

Auntie Nancy

Grammy, Grammy, Grammy, yes you made the girls the most awsome halloween costumes! I know because my girls both wore them too. Didn't I give you some of them back once when you came out to visit? I'm sure I did. wonder woman and such? How is it that as we grow older, time shortens itself and we dond't have time to do anything anymore. I wonder how I'm going to find the time to get all 6 or 7 christmas trees decorated this year. But they will get decorated somehow. I may even put the ugly lighted sleigh into the tree in the back yare with rudolphs head coming out the other side.hehe. it keeps me going.
love, Auntie N

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