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Wow. (BTW - I am not the Kateri on that site...but imagine my surprise about seeing that name!) What a beautiful site.


Kat, I was going to forward that to you directly--glad you saw it, it must make you feel a little less alone in the world :)


Wow. I don't know if I have the balls to contribute to the site, but... wow. Just... wow. It really moved me.


I loved it. I am tired of people thinking women have to be skinny and scrawny and perfect and mark free. Women come in all sizes and shapes and we should totally celebrate it and accept all of us.


What a freaking awesome site. Thank you Patti.


i've been obsessed with this site for a couple of weeks now, and check it religiously. i've been considering sending a picture in, too. i really like my body more now than before i had the girls.

it's so fabulous that this is there for women to see. i love women loving women.

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