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Member since 07/2003

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Oh! Heavens! I hope they were washable. That could be really funny when you went to the lake if they were tatooed all over. What a couple of little crack-ups. You did all your drawing on the walls of our apartments. It didn't wash off either.


One of the greatest milestones ever! I hope you got a picture.


"Battime?" To amuse me, please teach M2 to refer to your house as the Bat Cave.

Auntie Nancy

o how funny! what memories it brings back. they didn't make them washable when t&t (the dynomite kids) were real little.
love to the m's. auntie N


Auntie N; These were not washable markers either. They will take a few days to come off. I think that is pretty funny.

Auntie Nancy

My O MY!!!!! not washable. Now that is funny!Auntie N


What a wonderful memory to have! I hope you copy this into thier scrapbook or babybook (you do have those, right?)


It's a little too late for this time, but baby wipes do a good job getting permanent marker off of skin when it's still fresh.

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