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Member since 07/2003

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I don't know how I feel about the issue. I am very proud of mommys who stay home and are able to meet the daily needs of their children. As a teacher it is wonderful to have the support at school of these moms. However, as a working MOM, I had no choice. I could only do the best I could and go on from there. It was hard not to be able to let you play all the sports you wanted. But, I also didn't have the money because I was single. This is a dilema. I believe that children ages newborn to 19 years of age who are living at home and going to school (when school age) should be given free health care. I also think retired people deserve free health care. However, who pays the price? Those of us working to make ends meet and not doing a very good job of it now. I don't understand what the government is doing with all our money. I wish we had a say in it besides waiting until elections.
Anyway, I am behind all moms because I know what a difficult job it is. I love and support you all. Did I answer this right?


Right on the money, mom.


Thank you for posting that. I am going to join up. The whole faux 'mommy wars' issue just makes me see red, for exactly the reasons you state.

In this month's Atlantic, there is a review by Sandra Tsing Loh of one of the numerous 'mommy wars' books. She calls herself a consciencious objector to the mommy wars. Check it out if you get the chance!


You hit the nail on the head. I'm in, too.


i had joined earlier today, but your post made me go back and order a tshirt. (now i only have to wait 4-5 months before i can wear it... why no maternity styles?!) did you read the chronicle article from last week, the one that said something like "85% of californians agree that education in this state is 'a big problem', but almost none of those surveyed agree to pay higher taxes to fix it"? not that i'm an apologist for the government by any means, but the problem doesn't stop there...


I wonder why we don't have a national curriculum and set of text to go with it. I would then see the point of testing. We could find out if our students were learning the same information as children all across the nation. But, NO, it is up to the states and that is a sad idea. Education is in a crisis right now. Every state is doing their own thing to correct the problem. It is a national problem and should be a national solution.


Iwould love to start over and be a stay at home mom. My baby just graduated from college with a degree she says is worthless. Was it me? Was my working and not being there to guide her the reason for this? She majored in what she loves most- piano performance. Now what???


I was at the farmer's market on sunday and i counted four of those shirts there. Ha! FOUR! Bitches be representing Mom Rising!

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