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Member since 07/2003

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oh, the twin sale! this might make my cry.

i wonder if driving all night will get me there in time to go shopping with you.

J's Mommy

Haven't packed away those winter duds yet, but I can't wait!


I packed away almost all of the winter stuff, and went to Mexico for four days with The Hubster. We came back to a solid flippin week of 50 degrees.


Will the next post be about your haul? Cuz you can't leave us hanging. It's the garage sale law that you have list everything you bought and how much it cost so we can go, "What a score!"


Hey, send the kids my way. We were supposed to hit 100 this week. Hasn't happened yet but my house got to 98 when the AC got stuck on heat and heated the house instead. Cost me $800 to fix. The kids would have been in heaven sitting in the sprinkler with me. I also sprayed the bed down a few times those two nights until it was fixed today. What fun!


There you go, bragging about your big city ways! Dang, I'm jealous!

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