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Oh Patti! Lots of cyber hugs for you!


Sniff! Isn't it so sad to watch someone else drive away your beloved car? We're car namers too (Mochi, Stella, Sven, Heinrich, Zippy, and Olive...).


Patti - Now that post made me tear up enough to comment. My encounters with Mustangs have been limited to being a passenger. My mom had a red '64 that I remember riding in when I was 3-4 years old. And my best friend in high school had a '64 1/2 (is that right?) white convertible. She was crushed when she sold it many years later, so I feel ya on Mildred's new journey. Sounds like it'll be an interesting new life for her.


Made me cry too. I know how you feel exactly. Hugs.


Thanks, Beth. I'm going to miss hearing people's Mustang stories, it's nice to have a last hurrah.


That is incredibly sweet. I teared up when we got rid of my little old toyota, and that's no one's dream car. I'm glad your gal is going to a good home.


I know just how you feel. My car is on it's last leg of it's journey. Almost 200,000 mi. I got her new. Can't find a car that comfortable to ride in.( and easy to get in and out of for us old people) My heart bleeds for you. Love bunches,
Auntie Nancy


Oh Patti! You're not just a mom or just someone who drives an SUV. You're someone who owned a Mustang, and will again, someday. Hugs and love headed your way.


Patti that's so sad!!! I cried when I had to walk away from my first car "Lizzie". She too had work that needed to be done. I just couldn't afford her maintenance anymore. My sweet 1986 Oldsmobile Delta 88 land yacht.


Wow! that was awesome! I never had a car like mildred but I hate giving up my cars. Miss Bianca is 11 this fall. I am at 150,000 and climbing and I am going to start looking at Pilots (I need something to carry grandkids around in). However, I keep telling myself that I should keep Bianca too. She has been with me for 9 years of her life and she has done right by me. If I trade her in or sell her, someone will just trash her for parts. She is better than that. She isn't a classic but she is reliable. You helped me pick her out. Remember? Two doors because my kids were grown up. I am again looking for 4 doors for my g-kids. Life seems to go around in circles. I have a feeling you will have a classic mustang again. I can't imagine your life without one forever. Love, Kisses and hugs. Mommy Lady


Shit! If I didn't feel like enough of a hoser when I welled up reading about the flippin' car, Grammy's comments sealed the deal.

My mustang story is this~

My best girlfriend in the whole world, since Kindergarten, came to my HS graduation. I took her to Mexico because she never, ever cut loose. She drank waaaaaay too much and we ended up in my friend Charmaine's vintage mustang. She was green. I don't know her name, but I know she had one. We stopped for my best friend to vomit three times on the way home. She didn't spoil the interior, which was our biggest dilemna of the evening, from what I recall.

The end :)

J's Mommy

I don't have much experience with Mustangs, other than my hubby LOVES 'em, but this was a great post. I'm sure Mildred will be very happy with her new mama!



I swear I am going to hunt down the guy that bought the Mr.s '57.

What is so so sad , is that they are better off without us.

cheers Mildred.

kids furniture crazy

Sorry to read that you're loosing your "mildred". I am one that never gives up my cars also - had a "casper" for a long time - then decided to move on to another car due to insurance rates.

I'm sure you'll have another mildred again.

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