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Member since 07/2003

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Love Donner, it's super-cute. Sorry about your ski injury. Both my girls get the teaspoon treatment, too. I know they are supposed to be two, but since age one I give 'em "children's meds." So far, so good.

Congrats on your craft blog!

Auntie N

regarding the new blog- in my days we just called everyone on the phone. WOW! Have you made a cake from scratch yet? love Auntie N


...but I bet you looked totally cute sliding down the hill on your backside.

Nathan has been bugging me to go skiing with him. I have never been - and when I did ask him for lessons a couple of years ago, he told me that it a "one person sport, and that he'd probably leave me at the top of the mountain, and let me find my own way down." I think he wants to dispose of me.


YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I miss you!!!!!!!! I just love you!!!!!!! Come home!!!!!!!!!!




Ahhh, pink eye! What a treat! At least now they have better medicines than Mercuric Oxide. That stuff was nasty.
Well, at least you got to go skiing. Bruises are part of the sport.
I bet Maggie is like Mac and had a low immune system. Colette did too, just not as bad as Mac. He had to have shots all the time. Colette was just sick a lot. Remember the ear infections? The Scarlet Fever? The constant runny nose? I do! She grew out of it, Mags will too.

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