We spent a couple days with friends at their cabin at Donner Lake (a tinier, cuter Tahoe). I skiied and then skiied some more, Maggie slept badly, Molly wet her bed because I forgot to put a diaper on her (yeah, I'm a moron; no, she's not even THINKING about being night-trained, nor am I the least bit interested in trying). Nobody got altitude sickness (DUG). I did wrench my knee something fierce after stupidly thinking "Man, these green runs are for suckers. Let's go blue!". I would have been the one you saw sliding the rest of the way down on her ass. On purpose. I have no shame (TSYOWLIMH was positively apoplectic).
On the way home Molly mentioned that her eye hurt, and, TADA! Pinkeye! It was obviously bacterial, so I was able to treat it right away with antibiotic drops and she'll be good to go for school tomorrow. Both girls also have runny noses, though Molly's is hardly of note. Maggie's is lousy though and combined with a cough. Again, I don't get it. Molly lives on a multivitamin and milk. Maggie eats brussels sprouts. Nothing adds up.
I treat both of the girls with children's formula OTC drugs--they're cheaper and come in bigger bottles than infant formula, and there's nothing shittier than grabbing that teensy little bottle of Tylenol or cough medicine and finding that it's empty (after only using it a couple of times, too). Cleared it with our pediatrician, aka "Dr. Whatever", and I check everything against the dosage charts at AskDrSears.com, then write the correct dosage for each kid on the side of the bottle with a Sharpie so I don't have to look it up every time (or remember, which is not bloody likely to happen).
While Maggie napped today, Molly sat down and performed the forced labor of writing her first name twenty times on the backs of her Valentine cards. The first few were awesome. The second few, she didn't bother with the "Y", which is always a little bit of a challenge for her. The last few just had "M"s.
And I've started a side project, still in its infancy: my craft blog. It's boring as hell, but it might get better. Shield your eyes from the colors--I'm playing with templates, and it won't always be fuchsia.
Love Donner, it's super-cute. Sorry about your ski injury. Both my girls get the teaspoon treatment, too. I know they are supposed to be two, but since age one I give 'em "children's meds." So far, so good.
Congrats on your craft blog!
Posted by: CityMama | February 14, 2006 at 01:49 AM
regarding the new blog- in my days we just called everyone on the phone. WOW! Have you made a cake from scratch yet? love Auntie N
Posted by: Auntie N | February 14, 2006 at 11:14 AM
...but I bet you looked totally cute sliding down the hill on your backside.
Nathan has been bugging me to go skiing with him. I have never been - and when I did ask him for lessons a couple of years ago, he told me that it a "one person sport, and that he'd probably leave me at the top of the mountain, and let me find my own way down." I think he wants to dispose of me.
Posted by: Kateri | February 14, 2006 at 11:59 AM
YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I miss you!!!!!!!! I just love you!!!!!!! Come home!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: dai | February 16, 2006 at 04:12 AM
Ahhh, pink eye! What a treat! At least now they have better medicines than Mercuric Oxide. That stuff was nasty.
Well, at least you got to go skiing. Bruises are part of the sport.
I bet Maggie is like Mac and had a low immune system. Colette did too, just not as bad as Mac. He had to have shots all the time. Colette was just sick a lot. Remember the ear infections? The Scarlet Fever? The constant runny nose? I do! She grew out of it, Mags will too.
Posted by: Grammy | February 17, 2006 at 08:48 AM